Few things can beat meatloaf in comfort food department. It has such a great homemade feeling, it’s so familiar, it’s delicious and it’s so easy to make. But what if you’re trying to stick to a low carb diet? Traditional meatloaf can’t exactly be called a low carb dish, what, with all the breadcrumbs.
This low carb meatloaf, however, is tweaked to seriously lower the carb count, so, even if you are on a rather strict keto diet, this meatloaf may be a worthy option for your menu.
Here’s how it’s done. First, mix your meats. Making it with beef only is a great option, but beef meat isn’t very soft and tender on itself and without the benefit of breadcrumbs, the meatloaf might turn out more dense than you want it.
Using a mix of beef and turkey or of beef and chicken or even of pork and chicken or any combination, is a great way to bring out more flavor and make the texture softer.
Next tip, use a lot of low carb veggies. You can use minced raw veggies or caramelize them to soften them – this will add even more softness to the texture. I also sometimes add a bit of low-fat cream, too.
Now, the ketchup. Opt for a sugar-free or keto ketchup. This should be easily available in big chain grocery stores or you can always shop online, along with other keto-friendly ingredients.
This meatloaf is excellent with keto-friendly veggies such as broccoli, zucchinis and various tubers.
Just follow the easy steps below to make it and I hope you enjoy it!