Having a salmon steak for dinner is always a bit of a celebration. Even though this dish looks extravagant and certainly tastes so and probably calls for a special occasion, the truth is, it’s surprisingly easy to cook.

Salmon, fried together with skin in creamy butter and aromatic sage, becomes a dish that is almost out of this world. Quick pan searing allows the meat to become crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. The added flavors of butter and seasoning are really brought out by this method of cooking.

There really are few things to say about pan-frying salmon except that it’s pretty simple. Salmon cooks very fast, so you can fry it for 2-3 minutes on medium-high heat per side to have a medium-rare to well-done steak. Salmon readiness temp is about 135F so if you’re using a kitchen thermometer, you can opt for that.

When salmon is ready, it’s slightly flaky and its color turns light pink throughout. It’s pretty easy to judge by the look, if you don’t have kitchen thermometer.

Serve this salmon with a wedge of lemon and a tossed green salad, steamed or baked veggies or rice for a healthy and nutritious dinner. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!