Many people avoid cooking roast beef simply because they’re afraid of screwing it up. The fact it, it’s actually hard to fail with meat, as long as you have a good recipe to follow and know how to pick your meat cuts.
This Bottom Round Roast is a fail proof recipe that will help you to cook a roast that is just right, with few simple ingredients.
First off, get a right kind of meat. To make sure your meat is fresh, check a few things. First, the coloring. It should look dull and bleak, shouldn’t sport any spots. The surface should look wet. If you poke a piece of meat with your finger, it will spring back up slowly if it’s fresh.
Once you have the meat, pat it dry for the butter mixture to distribute well. The initial cooking steps are optional. You can put in the oven right after you rub it with seasoning and butter mixture. But if you’ve already cooked your share of roast beef and feel more confident, you may want to try searing it in a frying pan on a stove first.
I strongly advise you to use an instant thermometer for meat to check for the doneness of the roast beef. It makes life so, so much easier. Once you have your 130-135F in the middle, you know that it’s medium rare and can safely get it out.
Serve it warm with veggies or potatoes, serve it cold on sandwiches or in salads, sliced thin, this roast beef is simply perfect.