If the name of this cake makes you have warm cuddly feels, wait till you see and taste the actual cake. It really is warmth, cuddles, sweetness and tenderness in a cake form.
With its streusel filling, full of warm autumn spices and a delicious creamy vanilla glaze, this cakes is probably one of my favorite comfort foods out there.
I usually bake it in the late fall, when I feel nostalgic about the passing year and have all those Thanksgiving feelings. It is also a common dish on my Thanksgiving table. I add my favorite mix of spices, I add similar spices to my pumpkin pies. They are cloves, nutmeg, crushed ginger, loads and loads of cinnamon.
Another great tip to make this cake even better is to beat the eggs whites and yolks separately for the batter. If you beat the egg whites till they are peaky and then fold them into the better, the cake will turn out extra fluffy and soft.
I really like serving having this cake around as a sweet snack or breakfast treat to have with my pumpkin latte. The spice mix makes it extra fine. You can keep it for a few days in an air proof container in your fridge, but usually you won’t even have to bother with keeping it, as it usually is too delicious for everyone to let it sit on your counter.
Try this warm, sunny, homemade dessert option and you will want for no other cake during Thanksgiving season!